& Summary
Are you an auditor with at least 5 years of experience and enthusiasm for data analytics? Do you have practical experience with electronic audit files, time registration systems and other IT systems? Are you in for a challenge to help improve the quality of – not one at a time, but ALL active audit files at once? Are you able to communicate with our colleagues about their business needs and to translate data into useful insights? Are you ready to bring your fresh ideas to a large international organization where you will have many opportunities to develop yourself professionally and personally? Then you are the experienced auditor with enthusiasm for data analytics we are looking for!
The purpose of Business Intelligence (BI) in thePwC Assurance practice is toprovide a proactivecontributiontotheimprovement of the quality of ouractive audit files. In short: data analytics on ourownproduction data. The main goal is to coach audit teams and help themtoavoid making mistakes and let themsolveproblemsbeforefinalizingtheir audits. In addition, the BI team helpsvarious stakeholders withinPwCtoeffectivelyachievetheir goals. This is donewith a variety of descriptiveanalytics, dashboards, data deliveries, exceptionreporting, andpredictiveanalytics. As anexperienced auditor, youwillbe part of, andworktogetherwith, the BI Team of National Office, consisting of youand 6 otherpeople: 1 Director, 2 Senior Managers, and 3 Data Analysts (withvarying experience).
Youwillbegivenan opportunity toinnovate in a supportive environment, upskillyour digital skills, addvaluetomany files at once as opposedtoonebyone, anddevelop a network of key stakeholders. Youwillworkwith data analystsand data scientistsandlearnandgain experience in data analytics tools such as Microsoft SQL Server, Excel Power Query, Alteryx, Power BI, andothers.
A globalBI community has been set up towhich we contributetogetherwithotherPwC member firms. There is plenty of data availableand room fornew ideas. Futureideas are more advancedsuch as theuse of external data sources.
As an experienced auditor in the BI team, your work will include:
Communicating with different stakeholders within the assurance practice;
Collaborating with the team on larger projects;
Independently responding to ad hoc data requests;
Performing data analysis tasks, including visualizations.
Does thisdescribeyou?
We are looking for a motivated individual with natural curiosity, a proactive attitude, and a willingness to learn and develop new skills. It is also important to have a good general understanding of the importance of data quality.
You have 5 years of relevant work experience within the audit practice;
You (nearly) completed a RA education;
Experience with various data analytics tooling such as Alteryx, Microsoft Power BI, or Power Query is an advantage;
You speak and write fluent Dutch and English and can adapt easily to changing work environments.
You should be available for at least three days per week and willing to travel to our office in Amsterdam for at least two days per week.
What are we offering?
At PwC, youwill have the opportunity tobeyourself, get the best out of yourself in a high-performance organisationandgrowwithinourglobalnetwork. As part of ourteam, we offer:
A competitivesalary, attractive pension plan andthe opportunity togrow;
Customised training for professional growthandleadership development;
Motivatingwork environment wherecollaborationwithambitiouscolleaguesandrecognitionforyourcontributions are highlyvalued;
Comprehensive benefits including “well-being budget” forphysicalandmental health;
Flexibility of hybridworking, includingergonomic home office andfixedexpenseallowanceincluding internet allowance;
Attractivemobility options, includingelectric lease car, carwaiverallowanceandthepossibility of using different shared transport providers;
30 vacationdays per year;
Fun extrassuch as variousinformal company activities.
These are just a handful of ourterms of employment. Find more information on our
Gettingstarted at PwC
Are youinterested in thisvacancy,and do you meet therequirements? Then let usknowwhatmotivatesyouandfill in your details. Afterwe’vereceivedyourapplication,
You’llimmediatelyreceiveconfirmation in yourinbox.
Ifyourqualifications match the profile that we have in mind, thenwe’ll contact youwithintwo weeks for a short introductory meeting.
Ifeveryone is enthusiastic, we’llschedulean online assessment. Depending on theresult, you’llreceiveaninvitationforaninitial interview. Click for more information abouttheapplicationprocess.
Ifyouwould like more detailed information aboutthepositionof Experienced Auditor atPwC, don’thesitateto contact us! Hester van Meurs willbe happy to help youbyphone, e-mail, or WhatsApp.
Hester van Meurs – – 06 3875 6994